(571) 447-5500

We are proud and excited to announce that Micro Quality Labs (MQL) has joined the Certified Laboratory family of companies. MQL is an ISO accredited, independent analytical testing laboratory, providing state-of-the-art instrumental chemical and microbiological analyses to the cosmetic, skincare, and supplement industries, headquartered in Burbank, CA.

Under the leadership of Karine Aylozyan, President and Technical Director, and Karo Aylozyan, Vice President, MQL has been delivering industry-leading technical, quality, and customer service to the global market since 2003.

Click Here for the Official Announcement

So what does this mean for you?

This juncture continues to expand the breadth of services and menu available to our EAS Consulting Group clients. Our heritage of bridging service and science has never been stronger. Along with the other partners in the Certified family of companies, including Certified Laboratories, Labs-mart, ABC Testing Laboratories, and LabStat, we are now able to offer a total solution program for any size customer in food, supplements, botanicals, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, and skincare.

EAS Consulting Group

Posted in Cannabis, Cosmetics, Dietary Supplements, Drugs, Foods, Medical Devices, Tobacco, Veterinary.