The Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition has released the 2017 Food Code Book which includes science-based guidance for reducing known risks of foodborne illness. Originally designed for foods offered at the retail and food service locations, it has been widely adopted by the state, local, tribal and territorial regulatory agencies that regulate restaurants, retail food stores, vending operations and food service operations in schools, hospitals, nursing homes, and child care centers. EAS Consulting Group offers services to the retail and food service industries and would be glad to discuss your specific questions on regulatory compliance and enhanced food safety.
USDA has launched a new a new electronic data platform that includes Market News Information by commodities such as dairy, fruits and vegetables, livestock and tobacco. The platform also includes resources which are of interest to USDA and FDA regulated industries, such as the pesticide data program, organic reports, and food safety. EAS would be glad to help you to better understand data found them in the reports and how they pertain to your business.
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