Presented by Allen Sayler, Senior Director, Food Consulting Services
FDA’s proposed rule “Requirements for Additional Traceability Records for Certain Foods” mandates traceability recordkeeping requirements for certain foods such as cheeses, shell eggs, some types of fish and produce. When finalized, the Traceability Regulation will be the final component of FSMA and a key component of the FDA “New Era of Smarter Food Safety Blueprint,” implementing Section 204(d) of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).
What does this proposed rule indicate and how can you begin preparing for this food safety blueprint?
Join EAS Senior Director for Food Consulting Services, Allen Sayler, for a deep dive into the proposed requirements and what they could mean for you.
Begin strengthening your record-keeping and traceability protocols to pave the way for faster identification of contaminated products and foodborne illnesses sources.
About the Presenter
Allen Sayler
Allen Sayler is the Senior Director for Food Consulting Services at EAS with expertise in the areas of food processing, particularly in the area of dairy processing, infant formula, bakery products, food additives, botanical products and food packaging as well as GSFI Third-Party Certification programs such as Safe Quality Foods (SQF).
With more than 35 years as a food processing and regulatory expert, including representing the US food processing industry at the Codex Committees on Food Additives, Food Labeling, Food Hygiene and Milk & Milk Products, Allen has held prestigious positions such as Vice President of Regulatory Affairs and International Standards at the International Dairy Foods Association as well acting chief for FDA’s Milk Safety Branch and Assistant Dairy Commissioner for the North Dakota Department of Agriculture. He has also worked on dairy standards and grading programs at the Dairy Division of USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service. Prior to joining EAS, he was a Managing Partner of the Center for Food Safety & Regulatory Solutions.
Posted in Foods, On Demand Webinar and tagged Allen Sayler.