Aug 1, 2020 | Dietary Supplements, EAS in Action, EAS in the News Dietary Supplements
James Hoadley, Ph.D. wrote an article on ensuring use of legal dietary supplement ingredients for Natural Product Insider. Regulators have a fine focus on dietary supplement products that are mislabeled or misbranded, and brands must be careful when it comes to...
Feb 1, 2019 | Ask the Expert, EASeNews, Foods
By James Hoadley, Ph.D. Each month EAS Independent Consultants answer one question sent in by our readers. This month’s question is answered by James Hoadley, Ph.D., an expert in food and supplement labeling and content claims and long-time instructor for our popular...
Aug 1, 2014 | Issue of the Month
By EAS Senior Consultant James Hoadley Ph. D. Our July Issue of the Month article titled “Why Submit a GRAS Notification for a Dietary Ingredient?” drew a lot of attention from readers. In this follow-up note, Jim Hoadley responds to one significant question. Is an...
Jul 1, 2014 | Dietary Supplements, EASeNews, Issue of the Month
By James Hoadley, Ph.D., EAS Senior Consultant A new dietary ingredient (NDI) is a dietary ingredient that was not sold in the United States as a dietary supplement ingredient before October 15, 1994. Manufacturers of NDI-containing dietary supplements must notify FDA...