By Norma Skolnik
As the overall population of the U.S. continues to gain longevity, consumers demand personal care products that address the signs and symptoms of aging. Everyone gets older, but no one wants to feel or look older.
Consumers are willing to pay a premium for skin and hair care products that they perceive as high-performance. The term “cosmeceutical” is often used in cosmetic advertising but may be misleading to older consumers.
The quest for the fountain of youth creates an atmosphere ripe for illegal marketing. “Anti-aging” cosmetics that claim to remove wrinkles or cellulite or produce younger skin violate FDA law. These personal care products usually make false claims and are rarely recognized by qualified experts as effective. There are ways to make acceptable claims and marketers need to know how to avoid claims that lead to trouble. Read more.
Posted in Cosmetics, EAS in Action, EAS in the News Cosmetics.