FDA has released an updated version of the downloadable Food Safety Plan Builder tool designed to help owners and operators of food establishments with the development of a food safety plan that identified hazards requiring preventive controls to prevent foodborne illnesses specific to their facilities. All Food Safety Plans must contain those components that are needed to be in compliance with the 21 CFR part 117, or “CGMP & PC for Human Food rule” requirements in Subpart C – Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls. A Food Safety Plan is a set of written documents that are based on food safety principles and incorporates hazard analysis and preventive controls, including supply-chain programs and a recall plan; and delineates the procedures to be followed for monitoring, corrective actions, and verification. Those wishing to use the FSPB as their primary tool may wish to have a qualified third-party, such as EAS, review the plan for adequacy.
Posted in FDA and USDA Regulatory Update, Foods.