(571) 447-5500

Adam OrrAdam Orr is a Certified Professional Animal Scientist and an Animal Nutritionist with a lifetime of experience in and around multi-species animal agriculture. The past 15 years have been spent at the FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine and the Division of Animal Food Ingredients (formerly Division of Animal Feeds) as a Subject Matter Expert working in pre-market review of animal feed ingredients and additives related to utility, target animal safety, protocols, and labeling. Expertise brought to EAS include label reviews, claims, regulatory study design, compilation and review of regulatory submissions including: animal Food Additive Petitions (FAP), Investigational Food Additives (IFA), Food Use (Slaughter) Authorizations (FUA), Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) Notifications, Animal Food Ingredient Consultations (AFIC), forthcoming Zootechnical Additives, and Feed Ingredient Definitions of the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO).

Posted in EAS in Action, Veterinary.