(571) 447-5500

EAS Blog

EAS Independent Consultants and staff provide in-depth regulatory expertise and authoritative reporting on a variety of compliance requirements for industries that EAS serves. Our experts break down complicated topics into easily understandable summaries and analysis. Subscribe to our newsletter and receive these monthly updates directly in your in-box.

Claims Substantiation Seminar

Claims Substantiation Seminar

This two-hour training will be a scientific dive into the regulatory requirement of claims substantiation. Several topics including the following will be discussed along with real case examples: which types of evidence are available and where to find them; what are high quality and low quality evidence; when is the evidence irrelevant to the claim being made; and how to write claims that can be substantiated.

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FDA Issues Guidance on Notifying FDA of a Permanent Discontinuance in the Manufacture or an Interruption of the Manufacture of an Infant Formula

FDA Issues Guidance on Notifying FDA of a Permanent Discontinuance in the Manufacture or an Interruption of the Manufacture of an Infant Formula

Constituent Update December 2, 2024The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued draft guidance outlining the requirements and procedures that infant formula manufacturers should follow to notify the FDA of a permanent discontinuance or an interruption of the manufacture of infant formula...

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Drug and Device November 2024

Drug and Device November 2024

This is the final reminder that we are in the annual medical device facility renewal, drug establishment renewal, and listing certification period. All renewals and certifications must be completed by 31 December 2024.  If you need help with your submissions, please reach out to EAS for support....

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Health Canada

Health Canada

Interested in doing business of health products in Canada? This free webinar provides an overview of the Canadian regulation on natural health products and how EAS can assist companies with the diverse requirements of Health Canada.

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