(571) 447-5500
When is a Cosmetic Also a Drug?

When is a Cosmetic Also a Drug?

Did you know that products designed to clean and beautify that ALSO affect the structure or function of the human body must bear special labeling? Per FDA’s 21 USC 359, these combination cosmetic – OTC Drug products must comply with OTC drug monographs and bear “Drug...
Is it a Drug or Cosmetic? EAS Podcast hosted by CPhI

Is it a Drug or Cosmetic? EAS Podcast hosted by CPhI

As more and more companies operating in the pharmaceutical space are moving into cosmetics, the temptation is to think that life will be much easier from a regulatory and compliance perspective. However, while it is true that pharmaceuticals are more heavily...
Meet Our Cosmetics Team

Meet Our Cosmetics Team

Did you know the EAS Cosmetics Team includes former FDA and high-level industry? From colors to claims, from formulation to safety, our experts can answer any manufacturing and regulatory challenge you may have. Stay in compliance with the FD&C Act. Trust EAS!...
The Cosmetic-Drug Conundrum

The Cosmetic-Drug Conundrum

The subtle differences between allowable cosmetics claims and those crossing the line into drug products is tricky. The wrong claims can cause a cosmetic product to be misbranded attracting unwanted FDA attention. Once some of your marketing claims are under review,...