(571) 447-5500

Did you know the EAS Cosmetics Team includes former FDA and high-level industry? From colors to claims, from formulation to safety, our experts can answer any manufacturing and regulatory challenge you may have. Stay in compliance with the FD&C Act. Trust EAS!

Meet our Cosmetics Team

Here Are Just a Few of Our EAS Experts

Maged Sharaf

Maged Sharaf, Ph.D.

Senior Director for Labeling, Cannabis and Claims Consulting Services

Maged Sharaf, Ph.D. is the Senior Director for Labeling, Cannabis and Claims Consulting Services. He facilitates food, dietary supplement and cosmetic label compliance reviews, develops marketing materials for FDA and FTC compliance, including claims substantiation, and conducts 21 CFR 111 audits, dietary ingredient and product reviews, specifications development and oversees client projects related to product detentions, NDI submissions and cannabis. He is an expert in botanical sciences and regulations.

Paula Brock

Paula Brock, Ph.D., MCSI

Senior Regulatory & Scientific Consultant

Works directly with EAS’ Senior Director, Labeling, Cannabis and Claims Consulting Services to assure client satisfaction and project management. She collaborates with EAS consultants and clients to provide excellence in service. Dr. Brock facilitates food, dietary supplement, and cosmetic label compliance reviews, develops marketing materials for FDA and FTC compliance, including claims substantiation. She provides scientific services such as clinical study design, data analysis, herb-drug interaction studies, product formulation, safety and efficacy of ingredients, ingredient monograph writing, safety opinions, adverse event investigations, and develops claims and slides for marketing purposes. She serves as GRAS and NDI expert panelist.

Jay Ansell

Jay Ansell

EAS Independent Consultant

A senior safety and regulatory professional with extensive experience leading global Safety and Regulatory Affairs initiatives, Dr. Ansell founded Bellevue Toxicology LLC to provide comprehensive human safety science and regulatory services to the Personal Care Products and Specialty Chemicals industries.

Previously, as Vice President – Cosmetic Programs at the Personal Care Products Council, he provided technical support to Council members and staff, Committees and International NGOs addressing safety science at the state, national, and international levels.

Dr. Ansell came to the Council from Yves Rocher, a France-based personal care products company, and before had been Vice President of Product Safety and Regulatory Affairs at two international specialty chemical companies.

Dr. Ansell has published more than thirty papers and reports, given numerous presentations on safety and risk assessment, served as Chair of the U.S. Technical Advisory Group to ISO TC 217-Cosmetics, and is past President of the International Society of Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology.

Trained as a chemist, Dr. Ansell received his B.A. from Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, an M.S. from Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia, and completed his graduate studies with a Ph.D. from Binghamton University – State University of New York. He is a certified Diplomat of the American Board of Toxicology and included in the European registry of Toxicologists.

Posted in Cosmetics.