Jun 1, 2019 | Ask the Expert, Drugs, EASeNews
By Robert Fish Each month EAS independent consultants answer one question sent in by readers of EASeNews. This month’s question on adverse events reporting for both OTCs and dietary supplements is answered by Independent Advisor for Quality and Compliance, Robert...
May 1, 2019 | Ask the Expert, EASeNews, Medical Devices
By George Yanulis Each month, EAS selects one question sent in by readers to be answered by one of our experts. This month’s question is answered by George Yanulis D.Eng., an expert in medical device safety and the 510(k) process. Question: Why is FDA proposing to...
Apr 1, 2019 | Ask the Expert, EASeNews, Foods
By Timothy Hansen Each month, EAS answers one question sent in by our readers. This month’s Ask the Expert is answered by Independent Consultant and former head of the NOAA Seafood Inspection Program and Division Director in FDA’s Office of Seafood, Timothy Hansen....
Mar 1, 2019 | Ask the Expert, EASeNews, Expert Witness
By Ronald J. Levine Each month EAS answers one question sent in by a reader. This month’s question on how to choose an expert witness for FDA legal proceedings is answered by Independent Consultant, Ronald J. Levine. Ron has had a successful career history as a...
Feb 1, 2019 | Ask the Expert, EASeNews, Foods
By James Hoadley, Ph.D. Each month EAS Independent Consultants answer one question sent in by our readers. This month’s question is answered by James Hoadley, Ph.D., an expert in food and supplement labeling and content claims and long-time instructor for our popular...
Dec 26, 2018 | Ask the Expert, EASeNews, Foods
By Steve Armstrong Question: FDA’s recent announcement delisting seven synthetic flavors caused a flurry of conversation and some confusion within the flavor and extract world. Would you clarify? Armstrong: Thank you for the question and the opportunity to clear...