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FDA announced the release of the next chapter, in draft, of the Guidance for Industry “Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food” on recall plans. This newest chapter will assist the food industry establish and implement a written recall plan as required by 21 CFR 117.139.

The Preventive Control Human Food (PCHF) requirements specify that processors must establish a written recall plan for food that requires a preventive control (21 CFR 117.139(a)). The PCHF requirements also specify that the written recall plan must include procedures that describe the steps to be taken, and assign responsibility for taking those steps, to perform the following actions as appropriate to the facility (21 CFR 117.139(b)).
Written comments on the draft guidance are due by February 4, 2020.

Posted in EAS in Action, EASeNews, Foods.