Food Labeling and Claims Support
A food company’s most important communication link with the consumer is the food label. EAS’ team of label experts assist food companies with ensuring labels meet FDA’s regulatory requirements while still meeting your marketing goals. We assess formatting elements, statement of identity, net contents, name and place of business, nutrition facts panel, ingredients list, allergen statements, type-size as well as all stated and implied claims, the safety of ingredients, compliance with food standards of identity, front-of-pack labeling etc.
Overview of Food Labeling and Claims Support Services
Claims Substantiation

Structure Function and Health Claims
EAS consultants are well versed in claims made about a food’s ability to impact the body’s structure, function, health, disease and more. Making such claims on a product or packaging requires compliance with FDA regulations such as when and how such claims can be used. Whether you are seeking to make a claim that a product is “Healthy” or a “Good Source” of or any other type of claim, contact EAS to ensure that these claims are valid and acceptable to FDA.

Processing Claims such as Organic, Non-GMO
Process Labeling claims, such as how products were made, are widely used to convey product benefits to consumers, though the execution of these claims can be difficult as they require a “process” clearly defined by a standard either fixed by the government or independent agency. EAS consultants assist clients with understanding Process Claims and their acceptability in marketing so that the claims do not mislead the consumer and lead to FDA observations or worse.
Undefined Claims
How can companies make undefined claims such as “Handcrafted,” “Real” and “Authentic” while minimizing risk from federal and state regulatory authorities as well as the risk of a class action lawsuit? EAS consultants, experts in strategic product development and labeling, assist clients with the development of claims that are acceptable in the eyes of FDA.
Medical and Foods for Special Dietary Use
“Medical food” is a commonly misunderstood term and often incorrectly marketed. FDA has stated that most products marketed as medical foods, not to meet the definition. Likewise, foods for special dietary use are clearly defined by FDA and both products require strict labeling compliance. EAS consultants can help determine if your products meet FDA’s definition and assists with appropriate labeling and claims.
Competitive Challenges
How does your company leverage regulatory requirements when challenging competitors? EAS experts in strategic positioning and product development can design a best path towards your product’s success.
EAS Partners, Certified Laboratories, FSNS and Microconsult Offer Unparalleled Testing Services
Certified Laboratories, Microconsult and FSNS have long traditions of delivering service and science to the food industry, including meats and dairy, through their investments in quality systems and industry leading technical expertise. By partnering with customers and industry leaders across all segments, our partner testing laboratories can provide you the testing and guidance your organization needs to navigate in an ever changing regulatory and global supply chain environment and enable your business to reach its full potential. They also provide services for full nutritional panels and food analysis using the major international method indexes, pharmacopoaes, and published methods with the backing of significant scientific consensus.
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