(571) 447-5500
IFT | First

July 16-19, 2023

McCormick Place, Chicago IL

Meet EAS Consulting Group and Certified Group at booth #S1852 located in the South Hall at McCormick Place.

What Challenges and Opportunities Are Born by Regional or Global Harmonization of Regulations and Standards?








Scientific & Technical Forum: What Challenges and Opportunities Are Born by Regional or Global Harmonization of Regulations and Standards?

Harmonization remains an ongoing challenge with the diversity of regional, domestic, and global regulations and standards that affect the food supply. While harmonization can promote consensus and opportunity, it also generates unique challenges within the food system. This conversation will discuss both the challenges and opportunities that arise from domestic and global harmonization of regulations and standards on topics ranging from color additives and GRAS ingredients to Codex Alimentarius.

Tuesday July 18, 2023
3:45 – 5:00 PM CST
McCormick Place, Room S404

Sorting through the Alphabet Soup of Food Materials: GRAS, FA, FCA, NDI, FCS, and PA

There are significant differences between food ingredients designated as GRAS, Food Additives, Food Color Additives, New Dietary Ingredients, Food Contact Substances, and Processing Aids. And for each of these ingredients, the process for FDA review and in some cases, approval, is vastly different. In this session, we will provide an overview of the similarities and differences for each. In some cases, there is a specific path forward for submission while in other cases, there may be a choice. When this is the case, we will provide guidance on the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Watch the recorded presentation and participate during the Scientific & Technical Forum


Tim Lombardo

Tim Lombardo

Senior Director for Food Consulting Services 

Tom Jonaitis

Tom Jonaitis

EAS Independent Consultant

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