EAS Consulting Group

The Experts in FDA Regulatory Matters for the Dietary Supplement Industry

EAS is a leading provider of regulatory consulting services to the dietary supplement industry for adherence to DSHEA. We develop regulatory strategies, design clinical studies to substantiate claims made labels, strengthen compliance with GMPs and more.

The Experts in FDA Regulatory Matters for the Dietary Supplement Industry

EAS is a leading provider of regulatory consulting services to the dietary supplement industry for adherence to DSHEA. We develop regulatory strategies, design clinical studies to substantiate claims made labels, strengthen compliance with GMPs and more.

Talk to Our Industry Experts

We’re experts in

Good Manufacturing Practices

Facility and Contractor Audits

Dietary Supplement Labeling and Structure Function / Health Claims

Submission of New Dietary Supplement Notifications and GRAS

Quality Agreement Preparation

Adverse Event Reporting

Retail Industry Services

Foreign Food Facility Registrations

483 and Warning Letter Remediation

Recall Assistance

US Agent and Import Assistance

Expert Witness Services

Due Diligence Assessments

In-House and Public Trainings